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Quiz 11.2 Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits
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This is a replica of the first working transistor.
What is the function of any transistor?
Switch or amplify current
Resist current
Provide a source of current
Reduce and store current
Which is the electronic symbol for a switch?
Imagine that one bulb burned out on a decorative light string and the whole string went dark. Which circuit diagram best represents this light string?
What would happen if the switch were closed and then Bulb A in this electrical circuit burned out?
All three bulbs would go dark
Bulbs B and C would remain normally lit but A would be dark
Bulb A would be dark and Bulbs B and C would be more dimly lit
All three bulbs would remain normally lit up
This is a chip wafer containing many microcircuits that work together.
Which statement about microcircuits such as these is false?
The transistors in these microcircuits contain moving parts that are so small they are microscopic in size
Microcircuits are also called integrated circuits or microchips
Microcircuits can typically hold as much as a million components per square centimeter
Each of the millions of components in this chip wafer performs the same basic functions as a transistor
This is a typical series circuit diagram.
If another bulb were added to this series what would happen?
All four bulbs would glow but they would be dimmer
The last bulb added would be dimmer than the other three bulbs
None of the bulbs would glow
All four bulbs would glow as brightly as before the last bulb was added
This is a typical parallel circuit diagram.
If another bulb were added to this series what would happen?
All four bulbs would glow as brightly as before the last bulb was added
None of the bulbs would glow
The last bulb added would be dimmer than the other three bulbs
All four bulbs would glow but they would be dimmer
Which statement about parallel circuits is false?
Adding extra resistors in parallel to a parallel circuit increases the total resistance of the circuit
Each load in a parallel circuit uses all the potential difference supplied by the battery
The current in a parallel circuit divides into different paths so a pathway with less resistance will have a greater current
An interruption or break in one pathway in a parallel circuit does not affect the other pathways in the circuit
Which word correctly completes this statement?
Measuring _____ involves measuring the amount of charge passing through a given point per second.
potential difference
Which word correctly completes this statement?
The amount of _____ is the same in all parts of a series circuit.
potential difference